The Sunday School Hour is for those age 2 and up, but it's not just for the little kids; it's for all ages. Consider this your invitation. Just show up. Any Sunday. Just as you are.
~Babies to age 2 can go to the nursery. There is a class for the 2&3 year olds in their nursery room too.
~ Age 2 to those in 4th grade start in the sanctuary for songs before going with their teachers to classes.
~The 5th-6th grade class meets upstairs. The stairway up is right inside the gym
~ 7-8th graders and the High School classes meet downstairs. The stairway down is at the east entrance (office area).
~Adults meet in Room 102 off the long, main hallway.
Often times there is a second Adult class downstairs.
Come learn with us as we are all challenged to grow in our walk with Christ.