
Currently we support 18 missionaries. They serve with BMW (Biblical Ministries Worldwide), SIM (Serving In Mission), Avant, Frontiers, Cru, Crossworld, BMM (Baptist Mid-Misisons), BGF (Brazil Gospel Fellowship Mission), Ethnos 360, AMF (In Faith, an American Mission), Racoon River Bible Camp and with BATA (Beauty Amidst the Ashes) .  Some of these people grew up in our church.  We LOVE seeing our children grow up and go on to tell people about how Jesus loves them.

You can learn more about them at the missions table in the back of the sanctuary behind the sound booth. Their past newsletters are in the drawers beneath the map.

Read more about BATA below...

Beauty amidst the ashes

The BATA is a local (across Iowa) ministry founded by one in our own, so let's take a closer look because you might benefit from it:

"Beauty Amidst The Ashes exists to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ by advocating and educating individuals and families about adoption. They share their stories to evangelize, encourage, and empower people. It is their desire to bring the hope of Christ into each life story and motivate people to engage in caring for children who need families. They have also pioneered a nation wide adoption conference celebrating adoption, educating individuals and families about adoption and motivating people to engage in caring for children who need families. You can learn more about their organization and ministries at www.beautyamidsttheashes.com