Local information


The city of Newell was established in 1870 as a station for the Dubuque and Sioux City Railroad. At the 2019 census, the population was 909.  It's a farming community, but only 15 minutes away from Storm Lake, where many work. Newell has a quality school using modern technology that excels in academics and sports. The school is shared with the neighboring community Fonda.  The big crops around here are corn and soybeans. Animal production is mainly hogs and turkeys.

Storm lake

Neighboring Storm Lake (12.6 miles away) has a population of about 10,000.  It has a  light house theme throughout the city with a recreational lake and bike trails. The King's Pointe Hotel has a first-class water-park.  Storm Lake has received national attention for being a multi-cultural city with about 28 languages spoken there. It offers a variety of ethnic restaurants and grocery stores. The high school has a charter school offering free, 2-year college degrees before graduation. The hospital has recently expanded and offers quality care, and Buena Vista University brings enrichment opportunities to the public. Big employers include Tyson, the hog processing plant, and Hillshire, a  turkey processor. There are many sculpted tree trunks carved by artist Jeff Klatt that help Storm Lake to live up to it's nickname, "The City Beautiful."